#CoachHG Collection: Power Of Clustering (Input, Competition, Ideation, Communication & Learner) - StrengthsFinder Singapore

The Power of Clustering is clearly manifested in Kingmaker’s intern, Yong Han.

Yong Han’s talent themes are: Input | Competition | Ideation | Communication | Learner

Yong Han’s Top 5 talent themes show up naturally when he is at home, in school and CCA.

StrengthsFinder Application

At home:  Two of my older brothers studied material science, a very distinct field from my course psychology. They often have conversations about it at home that excludes the layperson. However, due to my Input-Competition-Learner cluster, I have acquired some working knowledge regarding material science such as 3D printing etc. The cluster works together to provide me with a powerful desire to learn and absorb information. Firstly, I love collecting information even when it is not related to my major. Secondly, my older brothers who have completed their doctorates are two of my biggest benchmarks in life. They are both intellectuals who are very well-read in many fields and I aim to surpass that. I must have the broadest knowledge base. Lastly, I simply enjoy the process of sitting in on their conversations to learn more about the latest science trends.

StrengthsFinder Application

In an academic setting: Essays are bread and butter in social sciences and my Input-Ideation-Communication cluster provides me with an edge over others in it. With Ideation, I consider a few potential essay topics before finally hitting on that one unique idea that stands out from the rest. The topics are often things that no one else would write about such as applying psychological principles to stop lying. Once I decided on the topic, I go into overdrive sorting through the vast repository of information that my Input talent theme has equipped me with. Once I identify the strongest case study possible, I begin the actual process of writing to Communicate my message. I once spent 2 hours on a 250-word introduction looking for the perfect turn of phrase in every sentence.

StrengthsFinder Application

In a non-academic setting: In Kendo (Japanese sword fighting), my Input-Competition-Learner cluster shines as I always pit myself against stronger opponents during duels to continuously improve. I want to Learn from the best and to collect all their different techniques. My Input talent theme also drives me to listen when stronger opponents give my friends feedback. The feeling of exultation when I score a point against my opponent (Competition) using what I learnt is unparalleled.

Conclusion: Are you able to identify 3 of your Top 5 talent themes that help you to perform or excel in school, family, relationship or career settings?

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